Abu Simbel Sun Festival

Abu Simbel Location

Abu Simbel temples are among the most beautiful and magnificent temples not only in Egypt but in the world. The temples are 280 km to the south of Aswan and 50 km to the north of Egypt’s border with Sudan.

The temples were discovered in 1813 by Ludwig Burckhardt and later on UNISCO dismantled and moved the temples 65 meters up and 210 meters to the north-west of their original location.

Abu Simbel Solar alignment in the past

Twice yearly Egypt celebrates abu simbel sun festival on 21 February and 21 October commemorating the beginning of the harvest  season in ancient Egypt and the beginning of the planting season.

The truth is the two dates are not marking the birthday of King Ramses II, and the anniversary of his coronation but they are connecting to agriculture circle.

Yearly Abu simbel sun festival is watched by thousands of tourists and tourism minister as well as ambassadors from many countries in front of the great temple of Abu Simbel.

Abu Simbel solar phenomenon in modern time

Now a days Egypt celebrates the Sun festivals on 22 February and 22 October because moving the temple from their original sites like 210 meters to the front and 65 meters up made the phenomenon occurs one day later.

Tourists gather from everywhere in Egypt at Abu Simbel before the sunrise to observe the extraordinary solar phenomenon when the sun penetrates the sanctuary of The Great Temple to illuminate three statues out of four statues setting at the end of the temple in the Sanctuary.

The Statutes of Ramses , Amon, Ra Hor Akhty will be lighted while Ptah’s statue, the god of darkness, remains in the dark as he was related to the afterlife. There is always show presented after the solar phenomenon and people can share and participate in dancing and singing.

Abu Simbel Sun Festival Get In

  • By plane
  • By Bus
  • By Car
  • By Cruise Boat